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Ada Harel – Ministry of Tourism representative

Engineer Ada Harel joined the Dead Sea Preservation Government Company’s board of directors in March 2010.

Over the past few years Ms. Harel has served as the Ministry of Tourism’s architect, handling various architectural issues and aspects in the establishment of hotels including: the physical standards for planning and classification of tourist lodging facilities, green building, guidance of entrepreneurs and planners regarding physical planning of hotel lodging facilities and so on.

In the process of preparing the new Israeli standard 5281 for green building, between November 2010 and July 2011 Ms. Harel served as the chairman of the sustainable construction – tourism buildings experts committee.

Her professional experience prior to her current position at the Ministry of Tourism includes work in the private sector between 1992 – 2000, during which she handled a variety of architectural projects from the level of master plan to the stage of detailed work plans.

Ms. Ada Harel completed a B.Sc. in architecture at the Technion’s department of Architecture and City Building and an M.Sc. in city and regional planning.